Central Department of Zoology


Asst. Professor
Dr. Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai


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  • Bhattarai, B., Adhikari, D., Adhikari, J. N., & Bhattarai, B. P. (2024). Effects of invasive alien plants and habitat structure on bird assemblages in a unique lowland forest in eastern Nepal. Ornis Hungarica, 32(2), 1-25. https://dx.doi.org/10.2478/orhu-2024-0019
  • Tiwari, P., Bhattarai, B. P., Adhikari, J. N., & Bhattarai, B. (2024). Patterns, Causes and Perceptions of Human-Large Carnivore Conflict in the Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 15(4), 838-849. https://doi.org/10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2024.04.005
  • Timsina, B., Münzbergová, Z., Kindlmann, P., Bhattarai, B. P., Shrestha, B., Raskoti, B. B., & Rokaya, M. B. (2024). Associations between Epiphytic Orchids and Their Hosts and Future Perspectives of These in the Context of Global Warming. Diversity, 16(4), 252.  https://doi.org/10.3390/d16040252
  • Adhikari, J. N., Bhattarai, B. P., & Thapa, T. B. (2024). Correlates and impacts of human-mammal conflict in the central part of Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. Heliyon, 10(4). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26386
  • Sharma, H. P., Katuwal, H. B., Regmi, S., Suwal, R. N., Acharya, R., Nepali, A., ... & Bhattarai, B. P. (2024). Population and conservation threats to the vulnerable Sarus crane Grus antigone in Nepal. Ecology and Evolution, 14(2), e10929.https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.10929
  • Sharma, H. P., Bhattarai, B. P., Regmi, S., Bhandari, S., Adhikari, D., Aryal, B., ... & Katuwal, H. B. (2024). Occurrence and temporal overlap of sympatric jungle cats and leopard cats in Parsa‒Koshi Complex, Nepal. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 2387. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-52644-w  
  • Budhathoki, S., Adhikari, J. N., Bhattarai, B., Adhikari, D., & Bhattarai, B. P.* (2023). Diversity and habitat associations of non-volant small mammals in forest patches of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Zoology, 7(1):26–35. https://doi.org/10.3126/njz.v7i1.56308 
  • Katuwal, H. B., Sharma, H. P., Rokka, P., Bhusal, K. P., Bhattarai, B. P., Koirala, S., … & Quan, R. C. (2023). The effects of climate and land use change on the potential distribution and nesting habitat of the Lesser Adjutant in Nepal. Avian Research, 100105.
  • Kunwar, N., Pandey, N., Singh, K. D., & Bhattarai, B. P.* (2023). Bird diversity along an elevational gradient in Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, Nepal. Our Nature, 21(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.3126/on.v21i1.50756 
  • Adhikari, J.N, Bhattarai, B.P.*, Rokaya, M.B. & Thapa, T.B. (2022). Land use/land cover changes in the central part of the Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. PeerJ 10:e13435. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.13435
  • Sapkota, S. , Bhattarai, B.P.*, Mishra, M.R., Adhikari, J.N., & Khatiwada, J.R. (2022). Diet Composition and overlap of sympatric amphibians in paddy fields of Nepal. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 17(1), 155–164.
  • Bastola, S.C., Adhikari, J.N., Dhakal, H., & Bhattarai, B.P.* (2022). Influence of environmental factors on bird Kahundanda  Hillscape,  Pokhara, Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Zoology. 6(2),1–16. https://doi.org/10.3126/njz.v6i2.51877
  • Dhakal, D.N., Adhikari, J.N., Regmi, R.S., Adhikari, S., & Bhattarai, B.P.* (2022). Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in bovines along the elevation gradients of Annapurna Landscape, Nepal. Nepalese Journal of Zoology 6(S1),25–34. https://doi.org/10.3126/njz.v6iS1.50527
  • Maharjan, A. & Bhattarai, B.P.* (2022). Human- leopard Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) conflict in Godawari Municipality, Lalitpur, Nepal. Journal of Institute of Science and Technology. 27(2), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.3126/jist.v27i2.51171
  • Singh, K.D., & Bhattarai, B.P.* (2021). Ichthyodiversity and conservation importance of the  Jakhor  Taal Lake in Kailali district, far western Nepal. Journal of Animal Diversity. 3(1), 93-108. http://dx.doi.org/10.52547/JAD.2021.3.3.8
  • Adhikari, J.N., Khatiwada, J.R., Adhikari, D. , Sapkota, S. , Bhattarai, B.P., Rijal, D. and Sharma, L.N. (2022). Comparison of bird diversity in protected and non-protected wetlands of western lowland of Nepal. Journal of Threatened Taxa. 14 (1): 20371–20386. https://doi.org/10.11609/jott.7452.14.1.20371-20386 
  • Wagle Y., Bhattarai B.P.*, Adhikari J.N. (2022). Factors influencing distribution and habitat utilisation of Leptoptilos javanicus in and around Barandabhar Corridor Forest, Chitwan, Nepal. Nature Conservation Research 7(1). https://doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2022.005  
  • Adhikari, J.N., Adhikari, R.B., Bhattarai, B.P., Thapa, T.B., Ghimire, T.R. (2021). A small-scale coprological survey of the endoparasites in the Himalayan goral Naemorhedus goral (Hardwick, 1825) in Nepal. Biodiversitas 22(3): 1285-1290. https://doi.org/10.13057/biodiv/d220326 
  • Bhattarai, B.P.*, Adhikari, J.N. and Rijal, M. (2021). Nesting habitat selection and challenges of conservation of the vulnerable Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus (Horsfield, 1821) in the Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Ornis Hungarica 29(1): 33–46.  https://doi.org/10.2478/orhu-2021-0003 
  • Adhikari, J.N, Bhattarai, B.P.* and Thapa, T.B. (2021). Determinants of abundance and habitat association of mammals in Barandabhar Corridor Forest, Chitwan, Nepal. Folia Oecologica 48: (1). https://doi.org/10.2478/foecol-2021-0011 
  • Pandey, N., Khanal, L., Chapagain, N., Singh, K. D., Bhattarai, B.P. and Chalise, M.K. (2021). Bird community structure as a function of habitat heterogeneity: A case of Mardi Himal, Central Nepal. Biodiversitas 22: 262–271. https://doi.org/10.13057/biodiv/d220132